The Chelmsford Senior Winter League runs from September to April. To enter the league you will need to send in your application by the middle of May.

New teams are accepted as long as there is a space. You can either go into the bottom division or attend an assessment night if you feel you could play in a higher division.

The summer league runs from May to July where the matches are organised by players picking their positions at random, at the start of the match and again at half time. Application forms should be sent in by the middle of March.

CLICK HERE to download a registration form

Joining Information:

You will need to:

  • provide a suitably qualified umpire for the division you are placed in who is prepared to have their name and contact details in the CDNL handbook
  • have and submit a certificate for a qualified first aider in your team
  • bring a club first aid kit to all games
  • affiliate to England netball [approx £39 per player, minimum payment for 10]
  • pay £25 entry fee and £1 per player to Chelmsford Netball league
  • pay half of the cost of the court per game.
  • pay your umpire each game £15 or £20 depending on the division you are in
  • provide a scorer for each game
  • provide a ball and wear team kit.

Looking for a team:

  • Check out the CDNL online noticeboard or monthly newsletter
  • Request a handbook for team secretaries via the contact page (please include your postal address)
  • You may also  advertise yourself on the noticeboard by stating your position and which division you are looking to join. Please use the contact page to provide this information.


All the games are played at The Beaulieu Park School, Armistice Avenue, Chelmsford CM1 6DY on Monday - Thursday from 7.15-10pm.