Winter League

All players, umpires and other officials of any Club entering a team in the Chelmsford & District Netball League (CDNL) must affiliate to England Netball by 1st September.

The CDNL registration fee of each player is £1.00 and each team must have registered at least seven players by the deadline date set. The registration form should be completed and sent to the Registration Secretary. Additional players can be registered via written communication with the Registration Secretary up to the 1st March, and the fee must be paid within 7 days of registration. If this is not received the Club will be fined £5.00. Requests after this date will be at the discretion of the Committee, but 48 hours prior notice MUST be given. Urgent telephone requests that require a Committee decision will be charged a fee of £5.00.

To play in the CDNL all players must be aged 14 or over as of the 1st September or have written permission from their Performance Pathway Coach.  After that date once a player becomes 14 years of age she is eligible to play in the CDNL on proof of date of birth together with the registration fee.  Any young person under the age of 18 must have a parental consent form signed by a parent or guardian before their first League/Cup game.

Summer League

A team registration form must be submitted before the start of the summer league, but no fee will be charged for individual players. However, if any player has not played in the winter league and therefore not affiliated to England Netball must affiliate at a lesser cost to cover any Summer League games up until 31st August. (Refer to for current rate).

Any further questions please contact the Registration Secretary via the contact page.